
Manage your Business Globally from Sales And Payments To Shipping

Making money easier™

Sell in  over 100 marketplaces   Guarantee  against all risk,  send and  receive  instant  payments  globally.  Get  up to  $50,000.00 credit  per month  with 0% interest.  Save up  to 77% from over  100 shipping  carriers.

Our solutions integrate with most carriers and platforms.

Increase sales substantially while selling across multiple marketplaces and channels.

Reduce your workload. Save time and make money faster.

Integrate your applications without changing your technologies.

Get paid globally from anyone whether registered or not.

Ship your products without risk and save up to 74% with all major carriers.

Get guaranteed merchant accounts and global invoicing to guarantee payment.

Get access to capital.

Use our managed programs to sell your products and let us do the work.

We are your sales, payments, shipping, marketing, and risk protection partner.

Z2B2 Sendtek™

Get protected multi-carrier access up to most regional, national, and international carriers with all risk protection.

Z2B2 Billtek™

Guaranteed, real time bank payments up to $100,000.00 in the U.S. with low fees. Guaranteed international payments with up to 70% savings compared to credit cards.

Z2B2 Creditek™

Manage credit risk across all industries; domestically and internationally. On going account receivable monitoring.

Z2B2 Sales Chat App™

Post products to text messages, WhatsApp, Email in one message. With payment options included.

Z2B2 Devtek™

Whether your business is 1 or 1000 employees. Z2B2 can handle all of your programming and web development needs.

Z2B2 Paytek™

Get your merchant account in minutes. Take multiple payment options globally with anti-fraud guarantees.

Z2B2 Selltek™

Post and sell, accept payment, mitigate risk, and ship your products in up to 100 marketplaces, including Amazon, eBay, and Walmart, and other major marketplaces.

Z2B2 Digitek™

Managed Digital Marketing For Merchants. Targeted advertising to your competition's past customers.

Z2B2 Trustek™

Buyer and seller assured safe transactions through our delayed payment option.

Z2B2 Pay Partner™

Complete transactions with over 100 payment gateways in most countries.

Z2B2 Benefits™

Free Access To Employee Benefits Programs, Forms, and legal Services.